Here's most of the web-related stuff I've written or worked on. Most of it was done for free.
Of course, some of these sites are no longer being maintained, and may therefore contain broken links or graphics. Please also bear in mind the rapid evolution of the web medium itself - back in 1993 all web pages had grey backgrounds!
When | What | My role |
1999 | active-sydney: events and projects for social change | Major roles in editorial direction, site design, backend database programming, and HTML coding. |
1995-99 | cat@lyst: pedestrians, public transport and pushbikes on the info super hypeway - a community internet server | Major role in setting up and maintaining the server and its network links, assisting others to setup their sites on it, co-ordinating mailing list software. |
1998 | how to be a cat: members guide for catalyst, including Mailing List Care and Feeding on co-ordinating email discussion groups | I wrote them. |
1998 | Reclaim the Streets: live webcast from street party protests in May and October. A little overambituous and under-resourced, but webcam very popular on-site, and some great online comments. | Planning, network setup on the footpath, comments page scripting. |
1998 | Betamax Logic: one for the geeks, could have been a little better researched. | Writer. |
1995-97 |
inflate 97 vconf 96 virtual conference 95: online version of national community broadcasters conference. Continuous updates with text reports, photos, comments, and live RealAudio netcasting. Goal to maximise contribution of on-site and online audience. | One of seven on the team. Co-ordinated the project in 1996. Major roles in site design, writing, HTML coding and scripting, networking, server setup. |
1996-97 | CAMPsite: Community Access Media People - email discussion list | Initiated the list, developed guidelines, maintained and facilitated it for 2 years. |
1996-97 | CAMPsite Bush Library: policy and technical writing on community media. This page got evicted, so only the links to my writing work. | I wrote the ones with my byline. |
1995 | Sydney VisLab: first "proper" website for this computer visualisation lab, despite mutations, the site retains many of our original elements. | One of two designers / coders. |
1995 | Critical Mass IV, Sydney: a bike-witness report. | Writing, images, bias: mostly by me. |
1994 | Various protoplasmic web sites. | Well, to do is to learn. |
1993 | cyberspuds: article for student newspaper Honi Soit about the internet as a community media. | Yep I wrote it. |