Last update: Sept 1998 by Matthew, of CAT TV
As I'm no longer involved in community TV, this page is getting a bit stale.
I suggest contacting the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia for the latest info.
This is a roundup of community TV vitals, tangled out across the country.
Northern Access TV (NAT) - part of MCT-31 Melbourne.
RMITV - student TV in Melbourne, part of MCT-31Victorian Independent Media Project - research into community media in Victoria.
Slightly out of date CTV brochure from the CBAA, including info on the 6th channel inquiry.
Australian Arts & Cultural Sites - compiled by the Dept. of Communications and the Arts, it includes community media.
Night Vision - a Melbourne community radio show (3CR) on community
media, film, music and local theatre.
UHF 31 has been allocated until atleast June 1997 for use by community TV. Things are happening in the cities below:
The CBAA has more contact details on these licensees.
More click clack is the Internet Cafe in Adelaide (why does every city in Australia have a net cafe except Sydney? Must be the rent.) They are developing a community TV show called Electric Cafe.
Put down your phone and try punching into Spectrum - an interactive cyber radio tv thingy evolving in Melbourne.
Asian Television Australia Association is a member of Channel 31 in Melbourne, and they have a new home page.
CAT is a member, in some fashion or other, of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA). Last December (1994) was national conference time for the CBAA. Here are some reports from ctv stations around Australia, as seen in the latest CBAA newsletter, cbx. I can offer a copy of an article called Community Media Online in December's (1994) cbx - 'cos I wrote it. :)
You might like to have a look at the Australian Community TV newsgroup, There's also an international newsgroup about community TV, which many community TV centres in the US have been reading and writing to. There's even another CAT!
Also worth checking out for the technical side is the newsgroup.
From Lund Uni, in Sweden, comes a great global list of student TV groups, with a weird name: WoRST. Also from Sweden is a more general colection of community TV groups. Open Channel, Stockholm, have called it the Global Village CAT (this cat gets around).
PBS in the US now have some Web pages. There are other US-based community TV and radio groups which I should probably get links onto this page for, as well. Paper tiger looks interesting, it's a show out of New York that's pretty critical of the media.
people have visited this page since 29th November, 1995.